Community Blood Services
We Need YOU!
YOUR Donation Can Make a Difference
In Someone�s Life!
Schedule your next donation at our newest donor
Montvale Donor Center 102 Chestnut Ridge
(corner of Grand Avenue)
Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
There is an urgent, ongoing need this summer for your help to ensure we can continue
to meet the needs of patients in our community hospitals.
Platelets, plasma and Type O blood are especially needed.
Can YOU help?
Please click here or call 866-228-1500 to schedule
your appointment.
PLEASE NOTE: An appointment is needed.
- Platelets only have a shelf life of about 3�
days after testing is completed. That's why the supply must constantly be replenished! One cancer patient can use up to eight units of platelets a week.
- Plasma is constantly needed for trauma and burn patients, especially from AB blood donors whose plasma can be used by any patient in need. Type AB blood represents only 4% of the population so it, too, must constantly be replenished.
- Type O negative blood donors are universal donors whose blood can be transfused to any patient in need. Only 7% of the population has O negative blood so there is a continuous, ongoing need for donations.
Thank you for your lifesaving blood donations!
You are helping to save the lives in our community!

Join Donorplus, YOUR
New Donor Rewards
Program, TODAY!
