Umbilical Cord Blood
The umbilical cord blood program was established in 1996 to meet the needs of a growing population of cancer patients who are candidates for stem cell transplantation.
Baby Cord blood is an alternative source of stem cells used for re-population of the patient’s bone marrow after chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Research has led to the discovery that the blood in a baby's umbilical cord is rich in stem cells. These cord blood stem cells can be collected immediately after the baby's birth, processed and stored for use by the baby, a matched sibling, or an HLA-matched unrelated patient. This placental blood is usually discarded as waste.

Stem cells are primarily found in bone marrow, where they produce healthy blood cells. Stem cells are also found in circulating blood, and in even higher concentration in umbilical cords. After extensive processing, these cells can be frozen for future use by the baby or a matched sibling, particularly if there is a family history of serious diseases. The cells also can be donated to help others.

Experience and Excellence:
Stem cell samples are tested and processed in a state-of-the-art laboratory following rigorous quality assurance procedures and under the guidance of an experienced cryobiologist.

Our highly trained laboratory personnel use a sophisticated multi-coding system to assure the integrity of each sample during all phases of processing, storage and delivery.

Insuring a Healthy Future:
Harvesting cord blood is safe for both you and your baby. The procedure takes less than five minutes. Open 24 hours a day, Community Blood Services will dispatch a technician or special courier to transport the cord blood to CBS for processing.
Harvesting the Cord Blood:
baby Technique #1
(In-utero) After the baby is born and the umbilical cord is detached, a needle is inserted into the cord’s vein and the placenta blood is drawn. Your physician, midwife or nurse collects the cord blood in a small, sterile pouch that contains an anticoagulant to prevent clotting. The pouch is sealed in a specially designed container and delivered to Community Blood Services for processing and testing.

Umbilical cord Technique #2
(Ex-utero) When the umbilical cord and placenta are detached from the uterus, the medical staff places them into a hanging collection system. The umbilical cord is extended through the opening, and the umbilical cord blood is collected in the same way described in technique #1.
Community Blood Services’ state-of the-art processing technology guarantees maximum recovery and maximum quality of the cord blood harvested.

Testing and processing of the cord blood is performed no later than 48 hours after the harvesting.

Red blood cells are removed from the cord blood, and the remaining white cells are concentrated and frozen. The frozen cells are then stored in liquid nitrogen and placed in a storage facility within the blood center.

The storage facility is equipped with a back-up electrical power generator and battery back-up system. Temperatures are supervised around-the-clock by blood center technicians and monitored by an independent company.

Licenses and Accreditations:

New Jersey State Licensed - No. 3740

New York State Licensed - ID: SC076

AABB Accredited��

American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ASHI)

College of American Pathologists (CAP)

CLIA Certification (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment) - ID: 31D0112691

FDA Registered - FEI: 0002275064

**Community Blood Services is an FDA-licensed facility**

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Save Cord Blood