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Marrow donor who saved boy's life offers others same opportunity!

Colin & Jackie McLoon

"You're my guardian angel!' - Colin Bauman, 10 years old, bone marrow transplant, 1/21/00

"I was asked if I'd be willing to donate.� Were they kidding?� I felt like I had won the lottery!" - Jackie McLoon, Colin's marrow donor

Jackie McLoon received an anonymous card.� Inside, in the shaky writing of a young child, were the following words:� "Thank you ... this is so much for me.� I can't believe it,� You are a miracle to me.� You will be in my prayers."� It was signed " a very lucky boy."
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" I felt incredible.� I felt like I had won the lottery," McLoon said.
The card was from a young Wisconsin boy with acute leukemia.� Four years earlier, McLoon had given blood at St. Jude's Parish blood drive in her hometown of Londonderry.� She had also donated another two tablespoons of blood and signed herself on to the National Bone Marrow Donor Program.� With matches few and far between, due to the exactness of the match needed and a shortage of donors, McLoon said she never really expected to find a match or hear from one.
Her donation saved the boy's life and allowed him to keep fighting the disease.
With a one year anonymity clause between donor and recipient, McLoon had to wait to finally meet the boy who received a part of her.� Later, she and a handful of other donors flew to Wisconsin to meet the children they saved, and McLoon got a chance to be hugged by Colin Beauman for the first time.
"I felt like I had added another member of my family."� McLoon said.
The feeling of saving another person's life had a profound effect on McLoon, who took a job with HLA, one of the bone marrow registries falling under the national umbrella.
McLoon's story has come full circle, and she is helping find bone marrow donors at the place where she first registered more than a half a decade ago.
For McLoon. the blood drive was, and remains, an opportunity for people to give of themselves and have the chance to save a life.
"It's an awesome feeling." McLoon said.� "People don't often get the chance to see the people they save.� I did and it was all worth it."

Families Meet!

From left to right:

� Colin's brother (Nick), Colin's Dad (Dan), Jackie McLoon, Colin, Colin's Mom (Connie), Colin's sister (Hannah), Jackie's husband (Ken), Jackie's son (Kyle)

Kyle & Colin
Another Donor Story