Community Blood Services Foundation Refund Policy
Community Blood Services Foundation
Donation Refund Policy
If you change your mind about general contributions to the Community Blood Services Foundation (e.g., Tribute Cards, donations to a Bloodmobile) the Foundation is happy to honor your decision, as long as you request a refund (return of contribution) within 10 business days of the date on which you made the contribution.

Contributions for any event, such as ticket purchases, sponsorships, golf reservations, raffle tickets, must be cancelled at least one week before the event, as we have to give final numbers to caterers and other suppliers. No refunds will be given to those who registered for an event but do not attend.

To request a refund, call 1-201-705-1623 and ask for Therese Musto. Refunds will be issued as either a credit to the credit card used for the original contribution, or by Foundation check if the item was paid for with a check, money order or cash.